Avocado on double-toasted Ezekiel bread with
spicy mayo, wasabi fumi furikake and sesame seeds
I hadn't had a good avocado toast since leaving my old private chef job at the marketing company. I used to pick up Ezekiel bread for the staff to have as a breakfast option. Admittedly, I thought this was just another fad diet food, and turned my snobbish nose away from it. One day though, I reluctantly gave it a try, and was floored. 

This thin, healthy AF bread was like a slice of double-toasted heaven, especially with fresh avocado smooshed all over it! I was hooked! 

Fast forward to Covid-19 summer, and I'm placing my weekly Walmart curbside pickup order. I ordered a bag of avocados and it struck me that they have Ezekiel bread in their freezer section! *adds to cart*

If you aren't familiar with Ezekiel bread, it is a flourless, low glycemic bread made from organically grown sprouted grains. I'm not going to start selling you this bread like I'm a nutritionist. I just REALLY like how it tastes, especially double-toasted and allowing the natural nutty flavours to come out! It's a PLUS that it is a healthy bread. It is found in your healthy food freezer section, and if you don't use it often, keep it frozen and break off what you need. If you go through it quickly, leave it in the fridge. Because it does not contain any preservatives, this bread does not have a long enough shelf life to keep outside of the fridge. 

They come in other flavours: raisin, sesame, flax and original. Specifically in the Montreal/South Shore Qc area, it can be found at Walmart (original only, $5.97) IGA (original, sesame, raisin $7-9) Metro (original, flax $7-8) and likely TAU and Avril (selection and pricing unknown).

Just take my word for it, give it a try! I am pretty certain you will like it! Top your avocado toast with your favourite toppings! I like this sushi spin off twist, but you can enjoy it any which way you prefer! 


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